UPDATE: CMGR is now at .019, nearly 5x where I bought....what a nice morning for some big spikers, STT Breaking News alerted both CMGR and XXII early on, but I played too safely so I'm ENCOURAGED BY HOW MUCH THESE SPIKE...not discouraged like some newbies. Learn from big runners like these and adapt going forward, that's the key to success in this game OVER TIME!
Posted Jun 22, 22 1:15 PMbytimothysykes
TimChallenge, TimAlerts, Pennystocking Silver, Millionaire Masters Program, Pattern Pro
Basics, Breaking News, Price Action: Morning Spikes
Related Trades
Thanks Tim, it actually did encouraged me to learn more and more and be prepared for the next time :)
Thanks Tim. I am encouraged by spikers like this. Loved the news about moving out of the OTC market
I am beyond encouraged! Missed both but have watched all day. Thanks Tim!
yes very encouraged to learn more about OTCS
I am encourager by these spikers! Thank you for the video.
Thanks for everything, Tim. You have no idea how much your work has helped me. But time for me to go, got to be a big kid and Stand Alone Trader. God bless you Tim Sykes!
It’s great to see these big % runners again 👍
It’s great to see these big % runners again 👍
Thank you. I am encouraged by these spikers!
I am encouraged by these spikers! Looking forward to more to come...
I am encouraged by these spikers.
i am encouraged by spikers :)
I am encouraged by these spikers
I'm encouraged by these spikers
im encouraged by spikers like this and also by your teachings
I am encouraged! Looking forward to the next opportunity like this.
Encouraged bro thanks for covering this. Make it a good show in Vegas.
I am Encouraged!!!!
I'm encouraged by these spikers!
I am encouraged. Thanks Tim!
oh boy I'm encouraged No.87, Witnessed the run not willing to pull the trigger since it's a slow market thought of 100-150% might have huge but this one screwed my thought process but I learnt, big guys like Gronk can play in any market.
@mylifestarts yup, its a process, witnessing these crazy runners in realtime is a big step!
I am encouraged to see these massive percent gainers in OTC again! Love it! Thanks Tim.
I am encouraged by these spikers
I am encouraged by these plays! My time to shine will come, trusting the process.
Thank you Tim.
I am encouraged. Thank you Tim.
I am encourager by these spikers! Thanks Tim!!
I am encouraged by these spikers.
I am encouraged by these spikers!
These spikers are encouraging, it's been a while
Thank you for the lessons Tim. I am encouraged by these spikers. I like big spikers and I can not lie. Keep them coming
I am encouraged by these spikers! Great to see a good OTC spiker again, hopefully more to come.
I am encouraged by these spikers! Thanks Tim!
I am encouraged by these spikers.
I'm encouraged by these spikers, thanks Tim!!
I am encouraged by these spikers!
Encouraged! I played WEBR the same way and sold too soon. I guess it’s time to get slightly more aggressive now that this market is turning around a bit.
I am encouraged by these spikers
I am encouraged by these spikers. Thanks Tim.
I’m encouraged just witnessing these plays
Thanks Tim for the experienced perspective
i am encouraged. Thanks Tim!
Thank you. I am encouraged by these spikers.
I AM very encouraged by spikers like $CMGR
Watching And Analyzing!
Thank youo for being there.
I am encouraged by these spikers. Stocks to Trade Breaking New a must have.
I am encouraged by these spikes . Thanks Tim
I am encouraged by this spikers!!
I am encouraged by these spikers.
I am encouraged by these spikers, thanks Tim
Thanks Tim actually it's so much encouraged by this lesson not the spike .
Definitely encouraged. Thanks Tim, you are the best teacher.
I am encouraged by these spikers!Thanks Tim!
I am encouraged by these spikers
I am encouraged by these spikers. Thanks for the lesson Tim.
I am encouraged by these spikers
I am encouraged by these spikers. Stocks to Trade Breaking News a must have.
I am encouraged by these spikers!!!!
Very encouraged. Thank you Tim
Thank you, Tim. I am encouraged by spikers like this. I gotta keep learning to capture the moment.
I am encouraged by these spikers
i am encouraged by these spikers. Thank you so much Tim
I am encouraged by these spikers! cut losses quickly!!!!!
Thank you Tim.
I am encouraged by these spikers! Thanks Tim
I am encouraged by spikers like these
I am encouraged by these spikers!
I am encouraged by these spikers. Thanks Tim.
I'm encouraged by these spikers! Thanks for the lesson Tim.
Thanks Tim great lessons.
I am encouraged by these spikers!
trade scared until you get the courage , encouraged by these spikers .
These spikers encourage me because it shows the amount of opportunity to capitalize on.
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