It's been a great few days at my 10th annual #TISummit conference and seeing SO many students in person, now as I publish this video lesson I'm flying to my next adventure...please watch my last video lesson here about how I setup my watchlist and see how these stocks below fit my sweet spot to a T and that's why I did rather well on them as your success is all about figuring out what patterns you're most comfortable with and I LIKE DIP BUYS!
Posted Sep 19, 17 8:55 AMbytimothysykes
TimChallenge, TimAlerts, Pennystocking Silver, Millionaire Masters Program, Pattern Pro
Related Trades
I like dip buys and I can not lie
I mentioned NXTD. Honored to be mentioned and see how you and Grittani would set up to play it.
I like dup buys! I tried to buy NXTD at the support level of 2.35, and ended up missing out — lesson learned to buy a little higher and risk off support! The volume spike you mentioned at the TI Summit is such a good indicator too. Thanks Tim!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!!
I like dip buy
I love DIP BUYS!
I like dip buys! Thanks Tim!
Ive been watching it from $1.97 however didnt commit to buy NXTD bc of low volume. Any advice on trading lower volume trades like this? My plan was to buy as long as it held $2 over 2 days with a support of $2. Thoughts?
Thanks Tim.
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip-buys ☺
I like Dip Buys.
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I LIKE DIP BUYS! Awesome stuff, Tim! Love this Team at Profitly!
Thanks for another early morning lesson, Tim! I like dip buys and this lesson helps me continue to understand what to look for!
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I like Dip Buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!!! tnx Youngster
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like deep buys
I like dip buys
I like
I like dip buyz
I like dip buys! (I like shorting better.)
i like dip buy
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys :)
i like dip buys!!!!
@Flockstock I like big dips and I can not lie! New music video ideas lol Always looking for a good dip buy.
I like dip buys skyesy, its my no.1 screener at the minute
I like dip buys, and I liked it on ITUS!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I LIKE DIP-BUYS ...and I cannot lie! lol
i love dip buys.........
Thanks Tim!! I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like bip duys
I like dip buys!
i love dip buys
I like dip buys thanks Tim
The conference was great!!! Very informative!!! I like dip buys!!!
How do you know if it's a dip buy or if it's just a base before it fails again? Watch level 2 or knowing stock history? @timothysykes
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys! Thanks Tim
I like dip buys
i like(LOVE) dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys and dip buys like me
I Like dip buys
I like dip buys!!!
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys!
i like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I love dip buys!!
I like dip buys. Thanks, Tim
@armin watch ALL video lessons and start to understand the pattern
I like dip buys
Dip buys are my favorite pattern. HOMR also had a little dip opportunity.
I like dip buys
I don't like dip buys to much I'm sorry Tim but not comfortable doing them but I do understand then
I like dipbuyzzz!
I like dip buys.........Thanks Tim
I like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I love dip buys
I Like dip buys.
I want to learn more about dip buys, Where do I find lessons on this ?
I like Dip Buys!!!...and learned SO much about them at the #TISummit!!!!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!! #1MillionPursuit
I love dip buys
I like dip buys... Thanks Tim!
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys, great commentary!!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys 😀
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!!! This is definitely a new strategy which I will be adding to my arsenal. Thanks for all your effort over the weekend at the TI Summit Tim.
I like Dip Buys
I like dip buys but suck at playing them lol
I Like Dip Buys!!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
What happened to HMNY today? I wanted to buy at $3.85, but couldn't find any recent news, and right now it's at $5... I don't understand? What did I miss? I've been studying charts, and your videos, but I seem to be unable to predict, or feel comfortable because I keep my finger on the eject button and according to the watch list HMNY wasn't supposed to move like this...? Please help!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
i like dip buys. i was there too and caught a 10% updraft in ITUS in power hour.
I like dip buys.. ALWAYS LEARNING!!!
i like dip buys
i like dip buys
Dip buys, I like.
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!!
I like those dip buys
I LIKE DIP BUYS!!! My favorite pattern THANKS TIM!!!!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys. Thank you Tim
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys, i buy them on papertrading because i am new to this and you realy have to learn where the bottem is before you go for real. just remember that. good luck you all
I like dip buys.
I like Dip Buys.
i like dipbuys
I like dip Buys
I like dip buys
I love dip buys
I like dip buys
I'm still trying to love dip buys!
I like dip buys!
i like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys. Thanks, Tim!
I like DIP buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys!
i like dip buy
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys... and i like shorting the morning panic even more..:)
i love dip buys
I like Dip-Buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys. No, I love dip buying morning panics. It's by far my favorite setup. Thanks for the video Tim. I got almost the exact executions as you did and got both in and out right before you announced your entries and exits at the conference.
I like dip buys! Great meeting you this past week! More tweet/photos to come.
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!!!
I like dip buys! Thank you Tim!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!!!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys! Thanks Tim!
I LIKE DIP BUYS , Thank You Tim
I like Dip buys:-)
I like dip buys
I like dip buys! Missed so many good plays from flying back on Monday but what can you do :) just time to prepare and get it tomorrow.
I Like Dip Buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys. Was lucky enough to witness these trades live in Orlando! What an event. Already looking forward for the next one
I like dip buys, TY TIm.
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys, enjoyed the conference
i like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i like dip buy...
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
i like em dips!
i like dip buys
I like dip buys!
FALC in primer
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I likeie dip buys
I like dip buys... ... but only multi day swing trade dip buys...haven't quite figured out ones like these yet....
Damn it Tim! I love you. (No homo)
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I love dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys. The online livestream conference was great, getting up @ 4:30am was worth every penny but I missed half of Tim Gritanni and Dux presentation and some of Monday's live trade. Due to Livestream poor connection I had login multiple times. Roland, Bohen, Skyes, and goode. I wrote down a lot of notes that open my eye's and expand my knowledge account.
I Like Dip Buys!!! Very good lessons here. Thank You!
I like dip buys!
Buy dips that are strong and have fallen due to the mechanism that is stop losses and not bad news! Congrats to Roland and the crew nice job everyone!
I like Dip Buys!
I like Dip Buys :)
I like dip buys.
Dip buys are looking better and better! Thanks, Tim.
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys! Almost made a dip buy on SDRL today. Will be watching for dip buys. I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys! great lesson.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys....and have to start buying dips!
I like dip buys!
I like me some dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys! Acknowledged.
I like dip buys...but...not as much as Tim S. does...they usually leave me in the dip :)
I like Dip Buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I love dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys 😃
I like dip buys! not very good at it right now but i hope to apply this lesson and get GREAT at it.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!!!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys.
I like Dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys;)
i like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys too!
I like chips and dip
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buy that retract to past support level BOOM
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
Dip Buys Are The Shit. I mean I like dip buys.
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
like to buy dips
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys. Its good risk/reward to dip buy a recently strong stock near support that has tanked, not due to bad news but due to a market mechanism known as stop losses. Morning & market open tanks are better. Look for recent big winners & you are looking for potential signs that they could run again because Morning Dip Buyers are working really well right now... Only dip buy stocks that HOLD SUPPORT. It’s all about partaking in hot, volatile stocks that can really move.
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys
Look for previous support to identify entry area on dip buy. I like dip buys
i like dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i loe dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
Gotta love dip buys !
I like dip buys
i like dipbuys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
watched and learning. I Like Dip Buys.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
i like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys. Thanks!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!!!
I love dip buys because 25% a day keeps the real job away!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
p.1 Understanding when to dip buy and not to dip buy is crucial, an example of when NOT to dip buy is when a stock announces bad news then it’s like buying old sushi, risky. But when a recently strong stock drops due to the cause of stop-losses then that’s a better odds setup, because there is no “real” reason except for people that uses stop-losses that makes the stock drop.
p2 Also when it comes to this pattern (dip buys) understand the importance of using technical analysis to look for potential bottom levels. Since as in this lesson it’s very clear to why the stock bottomed out where it did, and it was due to former support and resistance levels.
i love dip buying after seeing videos it's really worth it..!! penny stocking framework help more to understand
I Like Dip Buys
I Like Dip Buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys! Cheers Tim
I like dip buy
I like dip buys
I Like Dip Buys
I love dip buys! i like that you said Roland and other students were buying the ITUS, but it was too choppy for you and that you stick to what you are good at. A lot of ppl in chat just trade whatever cause they think they see a pattern without focusing on their strengths. I believe that is what makes a trader successful is sticking to what you trade best.
I like dip buys.
i like dip buys Thank you Tim
I like dip buys. More notes taken, solid content yet again. Love studying the past @timothysykes. Thinking back, I had an awesome time at the conference. Looking forward in attending this year.
I like dip buys. Thanks Tim!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
Stop losses can cause a stock to drop really fast. Always look at multiple time frames to help enter and exit. Do what your comfortable with. Dip buy if it holds support.
Trying to like Dip Buying!
I like Dip Buys
i like dip buys
Knowledge facilitates growth.
I like Dip Buys! When the Price/Pattern is right, when I understand the Risk/Reward, if I can catch a good Entry, on a solid chart with Past History, At a time that works for me, with no devastating Reasons like bad news, when the market Environment isn't against me. They are as glorious in my mind as these historical charts, trying to make them work for me in Real-time.
I don’t like this pattern I LOVE it!!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys, dip buying a recently strong stock that has no bad news, recent big winners, looking for signs of running again, do not chase biotech stocks..
I like dip buys!!! My favourite pattern! Thanks Tim!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys!
I like dip buys! Thanks Tim!
I like dip buys.
I like dip buys! Thanks Tim!
I like(LOVEEE) dip buyss #thankful
I like dip buys!
I like morning dip buys
I like dip buying, it works with me!!!!
Thanks Tim
i like dip buys
I love dip buys!
I LIKE DIP BUYS! , great dip buy patterns beautiful , beautiful , beautiful . learning these patterns inside and out
I like or better yet, LOVE dip buys! They're my favorite pattern!!!
I like dip buys.
Video watched. Thanks.
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I love dip buys!
Thank you Tim
I love dip buys
I Love Dip Buys
I love dip buys! Thanks Tim
i like dip buys
I like dip buys
When I dip u dip we dip, put your $$$ upon my hip
i like dip buys
I liked dip buys
I like dip buys
I love dip buys
I love dip buys!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
Thank You Tim! I like Dip Buys!!!!!
i like Dip Buys!!!!
I like dip buys
I like dip buys
I like dip buys.
Watching And Analyzing!
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